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GYM CHATTER what I learned part 1

Today at the Gym I was more productive with talking to the biggest people in the gym to get there thoughts on shedding weight and cutting.

Conversation 1

I asked my buddy Greg if he had to get "show ready" by the end of this month, what would he do.

Before I begin this conversation, I'll explain Greg... 250lbs, off season so he's bulking, Body building competitor who came is 2nd, and just massive to say the least.

He told me that he would fast cardio in the mornings, 5 days a week, meal plan very low fats and watch his carbs (kinda like a keto diet), and do a lot of super set workouts and drop sets. He said he would do "muscle scraping" therapy to break down his muscles at least once a week.

Conversation 2

I went up to this guy named Ryan, who apparently won physique in his weight division last year. This guy is shredded.

I asked him, what did he do to cut so much before the show and how his diet is different today not competing anymore.

His response was that weeks before the show he depleted himself of all water.

Not sure if this is best technique, but I know it is not unusual to get more vascular and not blotted.

He also stated that bland chicken, fish, eggs,and meats was all he ate (Kinda like paleo). He didn't even bother eating carbs or vegetables.

Today he says his diet is practically the same just with seasoned meats, little carbs, and vegetables, but on the weekends he has two cheat meals and drinks alcohol (2-3 drinks Friday and Saturday).

What I got out of this conversation the most was that he said his cheat meals have been the same for the last two years and swears this is why he still is so cut. Telling me that he has a hamburger on Fridays and Chicken Sandwiches and fries from Chick-fil-A on Saturdays. His belief is that keeping these meals the same doesn't shock your body as if you got different kind of fatty foods each weekend.

So there is hope!

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