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Our Plan


SatStream Energy’s mission is to monetize gas byproducts normally wasted during oil extraction. SatStream Energy mitigates stranded gas by capturing it before the flare at Oil drill sites and combusts it with an electricity producing generator. This electricity is used to power Mobile Data Centers containing Bitcoin mining equipment. 




Harvest Wasted Energy

One of the costliest problems that oil producers have is that every oil well drilled releases natural gas as a byproduct. Gathering systems connected directly to individual wells require large capital investments and have long break-even periods. Depending on the price of natural gas, upstream companies may even have to pay midstream companies to take stranded gas.  


Reduce Environmental Impact

Oil and Gas companies partnered with SatStream Energy will reduce their carbon emissions and find it easier to meet environmental standards. Stranded gas is not just a huge financial burden for oil producers; it contains a high percentage of methane and is a major contributor to greenhouse gases. Combustion of flash vapors is a very efficient method for destroying associated pollutants. Properly engineered smokeless combustion units will destroy 98 percent of the VOC and HAP components in the flash waste gas streams by converting them to CO2 and H2O. Existing regulations on Oil & Gas producers are not expected to relax anytime soon. Partnering with SatStream Energy provides O&G companies with a proactive opportunity to self-regulate their environmental impact without any additional costs. 


Flexibility and Mobility

Many different well sites and formation pressures can be accommodated by our innovative Mobile 

Data Centers. Each Mobile Data Center can be scaled down to formation pressures as low as _____. MDCs can also accommodate formation pressures exceeding ______. When new wells are completed, Mobile Data Centers can be quickly deployed to harvest stranded gas.



Bitcoin Mining and the Case for More Energy




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