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This website was created by Weezle Marketing
:Endomorphs are people with a soft round body build and a high proportion of "Big Bones"
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Jonah Hill
vin diesel
queen latifah
channing tatum
mariah carey
seth rogan
Endomorph have:
Slow metabolisms and harder to lose weight.
Sometimes age will influence a more endomorph body type which can be reversed with knowledge with how your body works to lose weight.
Do you want to change your life habits and become a Mesomorph by losing body fat and getting a six pack?
Join the Endomorph community to find out what others are doing exactly to change their bodies.
Receive personal videos to help motivate you to get to the gym or to stay focused on nutrition.
to get more information so you can personally train yourself
unlock the access to the endomorph community Facebook group.
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