Fitness is something you NEED to do daily and that also includes relaxing. Know how to do it right the first time, so you don't waste your time with the bullshit.
Tricks, Cardio, Active Hobby Tips, Long-lasting Results
When watching our youtube, aside from the cringe, we focus on the longevity of working out and dieting. Know the following and you will be healthier 1st and stronger 2nd.
Working out stretches : Active Stretching DYNAMIC STRETCHING before you workout to just warm up your muscles and prepares your body for working out. Relax stretching STATIC STRETCHING post workout to calm your body and work on your recovery.
MONDAY : Traditionally Chest day. Always start with a COMPOUNDING WORKOUT first so that you work all your muscles with the most weight you can do first so you don't get fatigued. Compound workouts for chest is typically just barbell bench press. Then if you have problem growth areas or just want to grow specific parts of your chest, do ISOLATION WORKOUTS to work on those areas. For chest these are usually dumbbell inclines, declines cable cross overs and flys. Body weight workouts for chest would be push ups. Might even want to add some supplemental workouts for your triceps and shoulders.
TUESDAY or WEDNESDAY : Traditionally Back day. COMPOUNDING WORKOUTS first. For back, this is barbell rows with lots of weight. Some people will deadlift on back days, but I like to save these for leg day. ISOLATION WORKOUTS for back is usually lat pull downs, cable crosses (wolverines, squeezing the back) and any other variation of rows either on machine or free weight. Body weight workouts for back would be pull ups. Might even want to add some supplemental workouts for your biceps and forearms.
THURSDAY OR FRIDAY : Traditionally Leg day. COMPOUNDING WORKOUTS first. For Legs, this is squats and deadlifts with lots of weight for growth and strength. ISOLATION WORKOUTS usually leg curls, leg extensions, lunges, and kettle bell swings. Body weight workouts for legs would be box jumps, air squats, or just stair climbers. Might even want to add some supplemental workouts for your abs and calves.
SATURDAY & SUNDAY : These days should be your ACTIVE HOBBY days where you go hiking, running, play football, do work around the house, relaxing (is important to if you are sore or tired), golf, volleyball, hockey, softball, baseball, etc.
Searching is half the fun; life is much more manageable when thought of as a scavenger hunt as opposed to a surprise party.” – Jimmy Buffett.
Form is extremely important and persistence will create motivation for your fitness growth. From genuinely wanting to give a shit about your life, you will find yourself eating less shit like processed foods, processed sugars, sodas, alcohol, etc. Doing these in moderation is fine and I believe preferred so that you want to earn these things instead of feeling like crap every time you do it. Just call them cheat meals or cheat days so that you only do it every ones in a while and you give your body time to heal itself.
On the Youtube page PrayandAustin there is the Lie vs Truth workout tips (and business and love tips) it shapes the overall balance and some extra credit hobby tips and dad shit I do every other week...
If you find anything useful we would love for you to let us know. Even if you hate something please let us know at
Always #prayandaustin #lievstruth #lie #truth & #balancedpanda
If you find this information extremely useful or you think someone else could benefit from this, please let us know if you would like to download the HARD45 which is 45 days of extreme balance. This is something you should do once or three times a year. You will grow if you can handle it.
Lie vs Truth was a game changer for my motivation and overall wellbeing. I ended growing confidence, getting a girlfriend, and feeling normal finally. Thanks Austin! - John B.
Remember when dieting to try to keep it local, organic, and grassfed with no-hormones. Hormones will mess with our hormones and you want to get actual nutrition from your food, so try to do it as organic as possible. Keep in mind you won't find organic usually while eating out, so be friends with the grocery store. If you travel, just try to keep to your macros as close as possible.
What is diets simplified?
Invest in your health, as this should be important to you as you are still reading this...
Please reach out to me with any questions you have!