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This website was created by Weezle Marketing
Checklist no.6
Fitness Junkie

Before we begin, if you haven't already, check out our other websites 

(Pluggin ;)

For any help you need with fitness related information.


That being said, fitness is a big part of my life and with a lot of my friends as well. Fitness however isn't the cup of tea for my family so I wanted to design this checklist to be simple to do for both advanced and beginner. 


Being healthy starts with what you eat, but right behind that is how active you are and how fitness orientated your lifestyle is. Here is a checklist to begin something new as far as helping strengthen your knowledge within and going out of your comfort zone.


If you're looking to see results, then I recommend extending this checklist for months for at least 30 minutes a day.  


My Example: My goal for "Fitness Junkie" is to start a diet and start a new workout.

DAY no.1


    • This can be a motivational influencer like C.T. Fletcher, a routine you can look up like flatter abs, a documentary on Arnold Swartzkljfkjer, etc.

    • Something that will help motivate yourself to get the mindset of a fitness junkie for the week.

  • I watched the documentary on C.T. Fletcher on Netflix. This documentary pumped me up to go into the gym more focused and more prepared, just like him. His story was very empowering as well to hear and motivational.

DAY no.2

  • DIET

    • Look up a diet you would like to try out for the week to see if you like it.

    • There are a lot of diets you can get just by googling something, but you can also go to:

    • To make it easier on you and more beneficial for the both of us :)

    • Keto Diets, Paleo Diets, Atkins Diets, Macro Nutrients, etc. are all good terminology to learn.

  • For this week I wanted to start the Keto Diet once again because I liked the results I got from eating no Carbs or Sugars.

DAY no.3


    • Look up a workout plan that is fitting for what you want your results to be.

    • If you want to gain some muscle, then look up bulking routine. 

    • If you want to lose fat, then look up a shredding routine.

    • Once again, I build custom fitness plans for clients on:  for the most affordable price tailored to what you want exactly.

  • For this week while I was going to diet, I wanted to try out a shredding exercise that I have never tried out before to start getting lean again.

DAY no.4


    • ​This is where with all the knowledge you built from the last couple days you can put them into action. 

    • Start working out by finding a gym, Recreational center, or just your house if you can.

  • Today I went to the grocery store and bought everything on my grocery list to start my diet. I also went to the gym for day one of my new routine to start cutting.

  • Best results for actual progress is to do this checklist for at least two months if you can.

DAY no.5


    • Today there are multiple specialty gyms you can try out like crossfit, boxing, weight lifting (recommended), cardio places, yoga, rock climbing, etc. Figure out which one you like working out at the best. There are a lot of free week passes these places give out, so just do some research. 

  • I have never learned fighting moves before, so I went to the UFC fighting gym down the road, I received a free week that I will try out after this week of my routine.

DAY no. 6 & 7


    • This week just always be thinking fitness and how you can improve your health. Who knows, you could possible make a permanent lifestyle change just by trying it out for a week.

© 2016 by TheChecklistProgram. 

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