Checklist no.2
Act of Kindness
This checklist is mainly to just dedicate yourself to going out of your way to be kind to others. We these days are in such a rush that we forget to treat mankind with respect and appreciate others around us.
Let someone into "your lane", smile at a stranger, go out of your way to give someone in your family unconditional love, open a door for a stranger, go to a children's hospital, give someone a compliment, etc.
Basics of this week is to surround yourself with positivity and help it calm you and uplift your spirits.
If you're not planning on getting out to much this week, do something nice to a co-worker, reach out to an old client and thank them for their business, or just go on social media and give someone a compliment on a picture. Don't over think it.
MY EXAMPLE: My goal for "Act of Kindness" is to make a stranger smile everyday, say hi to people, and leave a little earlier for work so I can let a couple drivers into my lane without getting pissed off.
DAY no.1
While at the Grocery store open the door for someone, ask someone how their day was, give someone a compliment... ​
It's that simple, and I know you're thinking that you do this all the time, but if that was true, I would see more smiling people on earth today. PS. I work in the restaurant industry... I know people don't do enough of this. :)
Yes, that also means focus on letting people into your lane on the highway...
DAY no.2
Go get flowers for your parents even if the flowers are from the side of the road, go to an old folks home and have a genuine conversation with someone, get your loved one their favorite candy for no reason, surprise someone with just your presence.
Just go out of your way today to physically help someone who you find special in your life... for no reason. People nowadays might even resent this because they think there is an alternative motive to why your being so nice to them, but do it for yourself at first. Its fun.
DAY no.3
Remember when people just had manners?​
Look people in the eye when they talk to you today and let them talk, open your car door for whoever is getting in, tell someone you like there hair or they smell nice.
Trust me, I need help in this all the time, thus is why I made a whole day on changing this habit. Just give someone two seconds... thats all.
DAY no.4
Write a note to someone that is important to you. This can be in a form of an email, mailing a letter, giving someone a thank you card, etc.​
This is fun to do, just because it will truly make you feel young again. Sending mail is actually exciting and can make both of your days when sending and receiving a letter.
DAY no.5
Go out to a shelter and feed the homeless, go around the town and just have a conversation with someone in need, give something that you don't need or want anymore, go to a hospital, go to a church. ​
This will take some creative thinking. My go to is just to talk to someone homeless and making them feel human again.
DAY no. 6 & 7
For The Rest of the week, just don't be a dick or a beeetch to the people around you. Let people into your lanes, give someone a compliment, go out of your way to help someone, etc.
This doesn't mean be a pushover, however this does mean to listen to people and don't talk over someone cause you think your better.